Employee communications

Welcome to your plan

Materials to help get your employees started with their health plan benefits.

They’re enrolled. Now what?

Tips for newly enrolled employees to get the most out their plans.

Get the most out of your plan

First steps your employees should take when beginning their health plan.

Get the most out of your plan

(SPANISH) First steps your employees should take when beginning their health plan.

Get an easy step-by-step guide

Simple, step-by-step suggestions for the best communications to use each month during your plan year.

Download guide

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Let us know what you like and what you need! We want to make B’link a valuable place you’ll visit again and again. Content will change regularly based on what we hear from you. Send your feedback to blink@premera.com

Submit your feedback

If you’d like to learn more about Premera, our medical policies, notice of privacy practices, terms and conditions, fraud and abuse, visit premera.com
© 2024 Premera Blue Cross is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association serving businesses and residents of Alaska and Washington state, excluding Clark County. Premera Blue Cross HMO is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association serving businesses and residents of Washington State, excluding Clark County.

*Premera is providing these templates as a courtesy to our valued employers, as a way to better communicate with your employees about important information regarding their health plan. However, we are not authorizing any changes to text, pictures, or any other formatting, unless specifically identified in the documents. Employers will be solely responsible for all consequences due to any unauthorized changes made to the provided templates.